St Cuthbert’s Wild School for Boys

He had no idea  – not a single clue  – that today would be the last day that  ‘school time’ would mean anything like his particular school.  Or, in fact, like any school he had ever heard of before…”


St Cuthbert’s Wild School For Boys is an exciting story of discovery for all children and everyone who cares about learning, play, nature and the wild.

Jack hates school and never plays out in the gritty, traffic jammed city where he lives. He’s about to explode with boredom when by chance he is sent to St Cuthbert’s Wild School for Boys, a wonderful and very different kind of school.  Suddenly teachers are interesting, lessons are brilliant, learning is exciting and life is full of camp fires, stories, tree houses and the great outdoors. But freedom comes with risks and challenges.  And when the school is threatened with closure and only something extraordinary can save it, Jack might just have a plan….

This story is about friendship, change, finding out what you’re good at and discovering the joys of learning, nature and the wild.

“The day Jack first heard about St Cuthbert’s Wild School for Boys began as any other…” 

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So much play in one school play time…

I’ve been feeling a little downhearted this year about education and the way things are going for children in some schools, about their learning and play. So it was uplifting to come across this little film showing something different. And as it’s the shortest day, with the most dark and least light, I thought I’d share it with you.

The film was made during one normal lunch time in a Bristol school that is lucky enough to Continue reading

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